Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Best Medicine ...

Laughter.  We've all heard it's the best medicine.  I'm beginning to believe it's true.  

Just yesterday I was informed of an old high school friend's mom's passing.  I haven't seen the friend in years and it's been even longer since I've seen her mom.  You know how it is.  Little by little you see them less and less.  Before you know it you haven't seen them in years.  All my memories of my friend's mom include her laughter.  She was always laughing.  I remember being in their living room doing our own thing and hearing her in the other room laughing.  She would laugh at us and our stupidity.  She was just so full of joy.  I can picture her right now standing in their kitchen laughing hysterically.   I mentioned this to her niece and she said the same of her.  She had this reputation of always laughing.  She even had a nickname because of her distinct laughter.  What a great way to be able to remember someone.  Their laughter.  

Lately, we have been missing the laughter from one of my sons.  While he has disabilities he has always been known for his joy and laughter.  Disability has never been disabling to his joy for life.  His smile has always brought others joy as well.  Just like a good high school friend, little by little his laughter left us.  We didn't know we were missing it until one day it was gone.  How did we get here and how do we get back?  I've been singing in my head a song by Lucinda Williams called Joy.  "You took my joy, I want it back."

It's so hard to see someone hurting, especially our kids.  I just want to be able to fix it; to magically snap my fingers or wiggle my nose like Samantha in the old TV show Bewitched and it's all better.  If you watched that show you'll remember that even Samantha somehow always messed it up.  She had to live it out, sometimes go through the pain, to make it right in the end.  So that's what we've had to do too.  Some trial and error.  Some tears and lots of prayer.  Thankfully, my boy is surrounded by a God so much more powerful than any witch with a twitchy nose.

A few nights ago my husband and I were outside in the yard with the boys.  We heard laughter.  That genuine, belly laugh that is so contagious it makes everyone around it smile.  My husband said, "Man, it's good to hear that again."  Our boy was laughing at something his little brother had done.  Or maybe it was the dogs.  It didn't matter ... 

My Joy is back.

Bible Verse I'm Loving Today:
Proverbs 17:22
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

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